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Minling Surpoe Incense

Price: $12.00

MINLING SURPOE This incense contains all the ingredients of the old incense of Mindrolling, one of the six major Nyingma monasteries in Tibet. Mindrolling monastery made their incense (tib. Poe) with a dent (tib. Sur), hence the name Surpoe. The word Minling is derived from Mindrolling meaning ‘place of perfect emancipation’. Minling Surpoe is mainly used for mandalas (tib. Kingkhor) as it contains all the substances and herbs permitted in the making of mandalas, big and small. 25 sticks/ box

A Nyingma monastery in Tibet called Mendoling was supposed to have made an incense with a dent or "sur". This incense or poe contains all the ingredients of the old Surpoe of Mendoling. It gives peace of mind to the person using it.

Dakpa Tamdin (Tibetan) Incense

Made according to a centuries-old formulation by Dakpa Tamdin in Kalimpong, in accordance with the instructions of H. H. Dudjom Rinpoche.Dakpa Tamdin has experienced the making of incense by many lamas in Tibet. As a young refugee, he started making incense with his knowledge and exprience from Tibet, he still does at present in his mid eighties. Soon after he fled from Tibet, he consulted His Holiness Dudjom Rimpoche, head of the Nyingma sect of Tibetan Buddhism about incense making. His Holiness not only gave him further information on incense making, but also gave him his "Jilab Phabta" (the initial ingredients blessed by His Holiness).Then His Holiness ordered Dakpa Tamdin to make incense for him to light in His room. The incense became very good and His Holiness was very pleased. As his followers started seeing His Holiness using this incense, Dakpa Tamdin's popularity grew.

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